This site is permanently under construction!  We will keep answering your questions - as best we can - until there are no more!

How do we get accurate, up to date County and MCO numbers?

Each MCO has a "dashboard" that maintains this information by county.  It is required by statute.  It will include numbers presently being served on the Innovations Waiver as well as those on the Registry of Unmet Needs.  Each MCO has a staff person who oversees the Registry.  

Ask for the person in your MCO who oversees the Registry. (See NC Registry tab)

Do all MCO’s handle/assign the Innovations Waiver the same way?

Yes and No.  Slots are awarded to the all MCO’s at the same time based on the same formula from DHHS, when the money is appropriated by the General Assembly and approved by the Governor.  Each MCO will generally  hold a portion of their number for  “emergency” or guaranteed veteran allocations throughout the year.  The number of counties in the MCO and the formula for dispersal from DHHS may impact the speed and sequence in which each MCO makes their award.

What is an emergency slot?

Extreme change in circumstances, such as a death in the family or exceptional medical changes.

How is the award determined?

The SIS (Supports Intensity Scale) is a major factor along with the ISP (Individual Service Plan) developed each year with the individual, their family and/or other supporters.

What are unmet needs?

Unmet needs may be defined as unfulfilled necessities of program participants that are important to achieving independence, safety, quality of life, and access to participation in normal community life.