Registry of Unmet Needs- Corona-virus (COVID-19) Response Needs
Some quick facts about our crisis:
- There are 14,000+ people with intellectual and developmental disabilities on the Innovations Waivers Registry of Unmet Needs Wait-list Statewide.
- Some have waited over 13 years for services to be provided, missing the most vital early intervention years, tearing families apart and forcing children and adults into community- based institutions.
- Now, with the onset of COVID-19 these families are desperate for help more than ever and they continue to be left out of the plans being made by DHHS and the State. Please help to address this crisis today before serious harm is done, see below how you can help.
Immediate Needs to Address the Crisis of COVID-19 and Members on the Registry of Unmet Needs:
- Assign each member on the Registry of Unmet Needs with a Case Manager from their LME/MCO to collaborate with the family and service recipient on the needed supports during the COVID-19 outbreak;
- If families are providing the support that would be provided by Support Professionals, then reimburse family members for service hours provided;
- Ensure access to emergency respite for families on the Registry of Unmet Needs;
- Provide access to emergency in-home staffing supports to prevent unnecessary hospitalization;
- Partially fund all 14,000+ slots to ensure access to Case Management, Emergency Respite, and in-home supports to deter hospitalization;
- Train and implement PLAN facilitators across the state (at least one assigned to each to work with these members to identify and coordinate natural supports;
- Ask members and their families who are waiting what other interventions and supports would be most beneficial during this time.
The Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Advisory thanks you for supporting our families and individuals waiting for services on the Registry of Unmet Needs during this time of crisis. Please add your voice and email the Department of Health and Human Services today! [email protected]
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